Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011


Truly a sight electrostatic phenomena very often we see every day. Some of us may never idly rubbing a plastic ruler on our hands and then put it to our friend's hair a few strands of hair seems to stand for it. Or try to use it by using a balloon, rub it into your hair then tempelkanlah on the wall, look what happened? balloon will stick to the wall. Or in a large-scale electrostatic phenomena often do you see in the incidence of lightning static electric charge due to stepping on the ionosphere. Some of the examples above is one of the many electrostatic phenomena that has become a concern of mankind since thousands of years ago. Since ancient Greece about 2600 years ago, Thales of Miletus had noticed the phenomenon of a body fossil or a glass-like resin that digosokan can draw certain objects "miraculously", for example, clothing made of fur. This phenomenon has been a lot of attention until many centuries later, when the fossil is named after the Greek electron, in the English language is known as amber (amber) comes from the Arabic Anbar. These natural events can not be explained scientifically but think of it as a "magic" alone In the 1600s, a British court physician, William Gilbert studied the "miracle" amber is scientifically and distinguish it from the phenomenon of magnetism. Gilbert named this phenomenon amber and any similar symptoms as Electric (in Greek called amber electron) or in the Indonesian language is called an electric (rather than electrons). Now the term electric or electricity is used to name all the symptoms associated with the ions (electrons and protons) as well as the dynamics of the 1700s, a Scientist named Du Fay shows that there are two types of symptoms of static electricity. First that this electrical phenomenon can cause effects of attraction on a particular object and the second can cause repelling. Of the two phenomena is concluded there are two types of power source (later called the electric charge). Du Fay named this phenomenon in terms of resinous (-) and vitreous (+). A scientist, poet, politician, and especially one of the initiators declaration of American independence, Benjamin Franklin in 1752 and then declared that the phenomenon of lightning and amber are the same symptoms and calling (signaling) both types of electricity (electric charge) as a positive (+ ) and negative (-). Naming is used to date and very helpful in explaining electrostatic forces Robert A. Millikan (1869-1953) and then perform experiments aimed at finding the smallest charge prices that can be obtained. Millikan experiment known as test-drops of oil (oil-drop). The experiment was conducted with a drop of oil with small droplets through two metal plates with potential difference can be arranged. The electric field generated from the two plates will attract an electrical charge of the oil tetsan earlier on the upper plate, and if the voltage difference is set to be sufficient to balance the force of gravity on a drop of oil, the oil particles containing the charge was going to fly because of this force balance. In these circumstances the force of gravity (which we can count) equal to the electrostatic forces, so the charge can be known magnitude. Through many experiments with oil drops of various mass, it generally can charge can be obtained through:

Value of g and E can be determined while m is measured through the terminal velocity. Millikan observed that the results obtained from the electric charge is always a multiple of 1.602 x10-19 C. The results of "experiments drops of oil" obtained its smallest payload rates of 1.6 x 10-19. Price cargo is owned by the smallest particles of electrons,so the numbers are called e (electron charge). e = 1.602 x10-19 C

Fig 1.3 IllustrationtrialMillikan. Oil drops experienced two-way style, up and down electric Gya gravity means that any objects that are electrically charged, the charge is an integer multiple of the price e (1e, 2e, 3e ...). Top of this experiment Millikan received the Nobel Prize in Physics. The phenomenon that the electric charge e is an integer known as the quantization of charge. Quantization means to be "calculated" to be the smallest parts. Because such a small electron charge, then to generate a C only takes about 6,242,197,253,433,208,489 electrons pieces!What actually happens with this electrostatic phenomenon? The following illustration will help you. As we know that these objects have a non-conductora neutral charge. This means that the number of positive and negative charges in it together. And because each object consists of atoms, it is thus the amount of electron charge will be equal to the atomic nucleus which in fact is positively charged. If for any reason, the electrons in atoms or moving objects, the objects would lack an electron or atom, and thus become positively charged. Objects / positively charged atoms that tend to neutralize themselves as nature, and when meeting with other objects of the excess electrons, the positive things that bemuatan be approached. Although there are two types of charges (positive and negative), but actually we can not distinguish objects which are negatively charged or positively. Two types of cargo is not like the kind of men and women are easily distinguished with the naked eye. However, according to tradition, a glass / glass rubbed with silk is positively charged objects, whereas if rubbed with a woolen cloth it will be negatively charged. Thus, any object that was rejected by the glass that has been rubbed by silk, then we call it positively charged. Demikan vice versa. When a glass rod rubbed with silk cloth, a number of electrons from the glass rod so that the switch to silk fabric glass rod and a positively charged electron deficiencies. Glass rod will attract positively charged conductor has free electrons, such as metal foil. The opposite of the mechanism occurs when we rub the wool on glass rods, a number of electrons actually move from wool to the glass rod so that the glass rod has a negative charge excess.

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